Saturday, January 05, 2013

Tabula Rasa

In December I was named to be the Principal of Camarena Elementary in Chula Vista, California (5 miles from Tijuana, Baja California - Go Xolos).  The school is being built and on schedule for a July opening of this year.  I'm looking to my PLN in the Blogosphere and Twitterverse to join me in this opportunity to define the what, the why and the how of a great school in this incredible era of change.  I've opened up a wiki to seek ideas, input, discussions, resources, models from any and every contributor to help make this school special for our wonderful community.  My draft vision is attached here and on the wiki.  Will you please take some time to add your ideas based on your expertise and experience and contribute to a meaningful learning experience for our community?

Draft Vision

Enrique Camarena inspired many through his life of community service and self sacrifice, Camarena Elementary will serve as an inspiration to the international community as a pioneering school where all learners quench their thirst for learning in an atmosphere of innovation, teamwork, and joy

Please go to the Camarena Elementary wikispaces page to add your thoughts.