Monday, January 21, 2008

Why what we're doing today is not good enough

As the build up to the AFC championship was in full force this week (I've finally got over the Chargers sad ending), I read a quote from a player from the Patriots who said, "If we're not getting better, we're falling behind", or something to that effect. I think the truth behind that statement is applicable in any area of life. When we start skating through relationships, work, exercise, fill in the blank, we will start to lose ground. Achieving progress and growth requires effort just to maintain past improvement and even more effort to get even higher. That's one of the reasons why leading Halecrest can be a tricky proposition.

We are doing pretty well by most people's standards, however I think it has been said that the enemy of the great is the good. Also, we are just a few months of complacency away from falling back and finishing the year scratching our heads wondering what happened. Every student, every teacher, every employee, including this Principal, should be looking for ways to do things better tomorrow. Otherwise we all stop learning and we're like the person who could be sitting on that boat on the river. Without picking up a paddle and rowing, you're just going to float downstream with the current. Eventually that current might take you to a place like this one, which wouldn't be all that pretty an ending.

1 comment:

EHT said...

The points you make here are so very true, and I agree totally.

Thank you for the kinds words you left over at History Is Elementary.

We do have to strive to do better each and every day, but our methods of measuring our goals need to be examined as well. We all have that one state and federal measurement hanging over us all year long, but educators need to remember to collect data on their own from various independent sources to truly measure progress or lack thereof.